
Celeste Gomes Marques


O uso do ChatGPT no ensino superior

O Conselho Pedagógico da Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP) promove um encontro com o tema: O uso do ChatGPT no ensino superior.

O evento contará com a participação de Ricardo Correia, Professor da FMUP.

O encontro será realizado no dia 19 de julho, pelas 10:30 horas no Auditório Celeste Gomes Marques.

A entrada é gratuita!


Professor Ricardo João Cruz-Correia is an Associate Professor at the Department of Community Medicine, Information and Decision Sciences (MEDCIDS), the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP).

In 1996 achieved a degree in Computer Science at the Faculty of Sciences (FCUP); in 1998 achieved a Master’s Degree in Computer Science also at FCUP, and achieved a PhD at FMUP in 2008 in the Integration of Hospital Information Systems. Has about 260 scientific publications in health informatics (https://scholar.google.pt/citations?user=uEK3sEkAAAAJ).

He has collaborated on the implementation of several health information systems. Member of several organizations of health informatics standardization (HL7, openEHR, IPQ CT199, ABNT Brasil), currently president of the Portuguese health informatics association e-MAIS. He has lectured several curricular units on Medical Informatics (e.g. “Health Information Systems and Electronic Patient Records”, “Models of clinical information and health integration standards”) of pre and post-graduation courses. He is currently supervising several PhD and Master’s theses on Health Informatics. Co-founder of 3 UP spin-off companies (www.hltsys.pt, www.virtualcare.pt, www.is4health.com) and a professional school (www.ciencia-letras.pt).

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